by p0ck3twh4l3 on November 20, 2017 in Case study
Our Mission Vivid Games hired PocketWhale to accompany them on the soft-launch of their new Free-2-Play title, Real Boxing 2: CREED. Soft-Launch Strategy Recommend analytics solution to monitor retention & monetization KPIs Define sample size for each traffic source Select the right country for the soft-launch Select and test several channels to acquire users: video, [...]
READ MOREby p0ck3twh4l3 on November 20, 2017 in Case study
Our Mission PocketWhale managed the launch of BFB Champions by Cybird in Europe on iOS and Google Play. We built the Media Plan and decided to focus mostly on Press and YouTubers for the launch campaign. What We Did App Store Optimization on iOS & Google Play Writing of the Press Release & pitching to [...]
READ MOREby p0ck3twh4l3 on November 18, 2017 in Case study
Context Level 5 worked with PocketWhale to launch Layton’s Mystery Journey mobile in North America and Europe. What We Did Since Professor Layton is a very well-known IP on Console, we highlighted the console-grade quality of the mobile game and created a media plan reflecting this positioning by selecting premium channels on TV, press, social [...]
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